Backman, Carl Richard

Birth Name Backman, Carl Richard
Gender male
Age at Death 3 months, 4 days


Carl's birth certificate has his name as Karl Richard Buckmann and has his father's name wrong. Since the Death Certificate is correct that's what I'm recording him by. Father was listed as Henry Karl Buckmann onthe birth certificate.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1946-12-22 Mankato, MN    
Death 1947-03-26 Mankato, MN    

Cause: Infantile intestrol influenza

Relation to the center person (Gregerson, Christopher Scott) : first cousin once removed (up)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Backman, Carl Hilding1891-04-201961-06-27
Mother Johnson, Virginia Francis1913-03-191998-12-30
    Sister     Backman, Karen Virginia 1945-07-17
         Backman, Carl Richard 1946-12-22 1947-03-26
    Brother     Backman, Karl Robert 1948-04-04
    Brother     Backman, Murel Gordon 1949-04-16
    Brother     Backman, Peter David 1951-09-25
Stepfather Gould, Everett LeRoy1914-07-151985-03-00
Mother Johnson, Virginia Francis1913-03-191998-12-30
    Half-sister     Gould, Jane Ann 1933-09-23
    Half-sister     Gould, Deanna Ellen 1937-04-27
    Half-sister     Gould, Ruth Grace 1940-11-13 1998-09-21
Clark, James C.1894-06-101980-02-25
Mother Johnson, Virginia Francis1913-03-191998-12-30