The following is Paula's obituary from the 'The Ellsworth Record' newspaper dated October 10, 1957: Mrs Paula Larson, 87 year old Ellsworth Township lady, died Sunday night. She was a long time resident of this community, having moved here from Red Wing when she was a young girl. Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at Winberg's Funeral Chapel. Interment will be made in the Bethlehem Lutheran cemetery. Born in Red Wing, January 2, 1871, the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. Ole G. Nelson, deceased moved with her parents to Ellsworth township at an early age. She was married to Nicholas Larson, December 25, 1886. He died in 1928. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Herbert (Grace) Johnson and Mrs. Cora Bratlie, both of Ellsworth; a sister, Mrs A.C. Stenserd, Los Angeles, Calif; eight grandchildren, 24 great-grand-children, and seven great, great, grandchildren. Besides her husband she was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters.