Thompson, Phebe

Birth Name Thompson, Phebe
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1811-01-23 Halifax, MA    

Relation to the center person (Gregerson, Christopher Scott) : third great grandaunt


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Thompson, Isaac1774-11-171858
Mother Soule, Phebe17791825-12-07
    Brother     Thompson, Joseph 1824-12-01 1916-09-21
    Sister     Thompson, Sabina 1801-05-03
    Sister     Thompson, Roxanna 1802-11-15
    Sister     Thompson, Deborah 1804-10-06
    Brother     Thompson, Christopher 1806-06-05
    Brother     Thompson, Hiram 1808-01-23
    Sister     Thompson, Abigail 1809-04-10
         Thompson, Phebe 1811-01-23
    Sister     Thompson, Mary 1813-05-07
    Brother     Thompson, Isaac Jr 1815-07-07