Gregerson, Leo Thomas

Birth Name Gregerson, Leo Thomas
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1922-05-12 Pennington, MN    

Relation to the center person (Gregerson, Christopher Scott) : first cousin once removed (up)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Gregerson, Ingval Martin1886-11-04
Mother Lone, Anna1886-11-07
    Brother     Gregerson, Oray Ingval 1917-08-04 1972-04-18
    Brother     Gregerson, Albert Mikkel 1915-03-17
    Sister     Gregerson, Olive Marie 1918-12-03
    Sister     Gregerson, Bertha Irene 1920-01-30
    Sister     Gregerson, Hildur Mabel 1921-06-12
         Gregerson, Leo Thomas 1922-05-12
    Sister     Gregerson, Sylvia Leola 1923-05-24
    Sister     Gregerson, Carmon Martin 1924-07-16
    Sister     Gregerson, Edna Marion 1927-02-17
    Sister     Gregerson, Olive Adeline 1929-07-22