The following is an article from a newspaper dated Thursday, May 7, 1936:
"King" Back at Hamburger Stand After "Coronation"
Rudy Peterson Dons Royal Purple Robe of Gypsies at Cermony Near Hager While Scores of Friends Look On.
"King" Rudy Peterson was back at the old stand today slinging hash whlehis "fraternal" brethren made preparations for breaking camp and moving on to another location.
Peterson, propretor of Rudy's lunch and city constable, was not only adopted into the band of gypsies camping near Hager on the Diamond Bluff road, but made a chieftain at ceramonies last night.
It was a gala day for the gypsies who were celebrating St. Georges's Day, patron saint of these nomads. Constable Peterson had been called a "gypsy" on numerous occasions in the past and so yesterday decided to become one in fact as well as by inference.
A conference with the gypsy leader followed. One report had it that some cash exchanged hands, and then in the flare of camp fires to the accompaniment of dancing and singing, Constable Peterson was inducted intothe ancient order of nomads and hailed as "king". The royal purple was thrown about his stalwart shoulders, the gypsy maids and men formed acircle around hi and danced as they chanted in their native language.
He was given a name and henceforth will be known among the gypsies as Maccarronal Puggulucia. Today Muccarronul Paggalarlu was back at the old stand serving java and sinkers as usual, a hingly dignity and a royalalooftness mantifested in each gesture and in tone ofvoice as he asked: "Whatcha gonna have? We gotta roastabif, da stawberree wit de whipa crem and da mashem da spudato."
The Gypsy celebration yesterday attracted a large number fromthis city.The gypsy camp started the fete early in the morning and continued until late at night. Everyone present was guest of the camp and barbecuedsandwiches and beer were handed out free of charge as long as they lasted. Seven sheep, four lambs, three pigs, and several chickens were barbecued.
The group, about 40 to 50, planneto break camp today and move on to theTomhave farm near Hager. On Sunday, May 17, a wedding of a romantie pair is planned with al the gypsy embelishments and pictures - queness that have made these marriages public occasions.
This was a interesting story about Rudy. Attached to the Newsletter note was another piece about Robert Peterson ( A brother?)
Robert W. Peterson, 80, of 909 Bench St., was found dead at his home Friday Evening. He was born 4/2/1901 in Vasa, the son of John and Mary Peterson. He married twice, both wives preceded him in death. His second wife was Ester Peterson. He was a former employee of S.B. Foot Tanning Co. Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Hazel Saupe of Red Wing and Mrs. Hattie Lind of Minneapolis; two step-sons, Virgil Anderson of Coos Bay, Ore., and Floyd Anderson of Mount Shasta, Calif: and nieces and nephews. Funeral will be at 3pm Monday at Ferrin-Johnson Funeral Home with Rev. Richard Hane officating. Envaultment will be at Oakwood Cemetery. Friends may call from noon until the time of service.