This domain was registered in 2001 by Christopher Gregerson, in the photo at the right, for his family and other descendants of Mabel and Henry Gregerson of Bemidji, Minnesota. It is maintained by Chris Gregerson, grandson of Henry and Mabel Gregerson. There is extensive genealogy information on my family here as well as photo albums from 2000 to 2010. There are some essays, biographies, and memorial videos. Use the navigation links on the left to browse photo galleries and other content.
An extensive family history going back to Norway on the Gregerson side of my family is hosted here in the genealogy section. Chris is also a descendent of the Thompson Family on his mother's side. The genealogy information on my mother's side of the family goes back to the Mayflower.

Henry Gregerson was the son of Norwegian immigrants Ole Andrew Gregerson and Marian Gregerson (nee Jakobsdotter). He was 1-3/4 years old when his family left Norway for America in 1885 (Ole had two sisters who previously emigrated to Minnesota). Ole settled in Kensington, then Park Rapids. Henry started a homestead Park Rapids before moving to Pennington, Minnesota. After 15 years in Pennington, Henry and Mabel moved to Bemidji permanently. The family surname prior to emigrating was Gregersen or Gregusae (of Horn, Nesna Parish, Norway).
The crest for the Gregerson School was created by Clio Gregerson in 2023.

This page last modified 2025-02-02